“I would like to express my sincerest thanks for your involvement and significant work on our family business restructure over the past year and in particular over the past months.
I have no doubt that your work has allowed the restructure to be finalised and without it we may never have reached this point.
My respect for you and my regard for the quality of your work could not be higher. My appreciation for the devotion of your time and your empathy and understanding of the various personal issues cannot be overstated. It is obvious that you have earned the respect of Mr X and Mr Y too.
On a personal level, your counsel and guidance has been welcomed and highly valued. I am sure you helped us arrive at better and more sensible arrangements than we would otherwise have.
Thank you again for all you have done for me and our family business. I look forward to working with you as we build the future of the restructured business.”
Business Restructure, Estate Planning
"We would like to thank you for your services over the past 12 months. The board were reluctant to cease using (Large Sydney firm -name omitted) but are very happy with the personal care you take with each of our matters and your attention to detail. Thanks to you we have reduced our legal spend without compromising the quality of the legal work"
Property Manager
Shopping Centre - Suburban
Retail Leasing-Landlord
"It has been a pleasure dealing with your office over the past year on behalf of my mother and I, we sincerely thank you for your professional services in this matter"
Wills and Estates Matter, Superannuation Death Benefits